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quizer gettin cack slapped by lvl 77 lancer

Posted: January 21st, 2007, 3:50 pm
by X

Posted: January 21st, 2007, 4:44 pm
by Cuddz
rofl u kid. u asked can u test ur dmg on me and i let u then u nkd me. u couldnt kill me rofl. my baba would rape u

Posted: January 21st, 2007, 4:47 pm
by Blitz
stfu bitch i got ss's of me single handedly raping ur team with a barb

Posted: January 22nd, 2007, 12:04 pm
by Storm
pls don't xfer ur din's mfer gear to ur barb to pk...especially when the outcome is where u get raped shitless anyway on ur barb*

Posted: January 23rd, 2007, 11:08 pm
by Cuddz
when u guys get some new material for diss's let me know? ur all stuck on the fact i mf gear instead of ebaying it like u kids.

Posted: January 25th, 2007, 11:54 am
by Storm
and when can u actually get right material? just becuz we played since 1.09 and have almost all of the vbs on this realm doesn't mean u can cry bitch

all the material i need is from quizer-cuddz slain by xplicit-impure. all that counts. no ss? look around in this forum u'll see me raping ur acnt~

Posted: January 25th, 2007, 12:49 pm
by Blitz
when u get some new gear from the high council in travincal let me know :)